Medicare Education Seminars

We offer four types of Medicare events:  Neighborhood Seminars, which provide a structured presentation of Medicare and our plan benefits, Education Sessions, which provide all the important details to understand your Medicare basics, Informational Tables, which offer a one-on-one opportunity with a Health Plan Advisor, and our Community Connections classes that are focused on your health and wellness journey, and are fun as well.  — There is no obligation to enroll at any of our events

Medicare Education Seminars

Click the arrows below for more monthly seminar events

Neighborhood seminars Education Sessions Informational table Community Connections
866-798-1530 (TTY:711)
831-375-1462 (TTY:711)

8 a.m. to 8 p.m. PT
M - F from 4/1 – 9/30
8 a.m. – 8 p.m. PT
7 days a week from 10/1 – 3/31
(except certain holidays)

Neighborhood and Virtual seminars*

We look forward to your attendance. RSVPs are required. For virtual meetings, a Zoom meeting link will be emailed by a Health Plan Advisor, prior to the meeting.

Education Sessions*

Informational table locations*

Community Connections

Diabetes Prevention

Medicare Options Simplified

*A sales person will be present with information and applications. For accommodation of persons with special needs at meetings call 866-798-1530, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. PT (TTY users call 711) Monday - Friday, except certain holidays.